Wednesday, 4 June 2014

This could be your last chance to say what you think...........................

The Development Planning Committee has set a (new) date to decide on the planning application made by Dainton Group Services (DGS). Wednesday 18th June is when the council will decide whether DGS get to errect their (rather too many) large shipping containers on the land adjacent to Saxon/Warminster road. This is their land, but land that has been unused for any commercial purpose for over 20 years.

If you want to say what you think of this planned development you can e-mail  and state clearly what you think about the proposed development. Your email must get to them by  12 noon on Tuesday 17th June.

This is the land that we have been hoping to (at least in part) secure for a Green Space for the local community. We have tried and failed to engage with DGS - they pulled out of the pre-ap process and have long since lost interest in what the local community thinks. We asked them nicely if they would leave a decent sized strip of land between their storage containers and our houses and they have left a teeny tiny strip that will still leave the houses on Saxon Road very much overlooked by a sea of giant metal boxes.

In addition their opening hours are antisocial, their business will increase traffic, there is a risk of light pollution from the site and they will be giving absolutely nothing back to the local community

This is just not good enough.

There were over 40 objections to the original DGS plans. Following some tinkering around the edges and mostly cosmetic changes to the plans they resubmitted them to the council and were met with a barage of further objections.

The Development Control Committee meeting is when the council will accept or reject the plans.

For the full details of the plans you can look at the council website

For the residents of St.Werburghs who are interested and want to help us object to the plans and let Daintons know that we, as residents are important and need to be taken into consideration come and meet with us. We are having a public meeting on Wednesday 11th June, 7.30pm at the Community Centre. 

We can help you understand more about our group, the process of objecting and attending the Development Planning Committee Meeting, and find out exactly what you as residents think.  

This is how high and how close to the houses the storage units will be.

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