Thursday, 16 January 2014

Saxon Road Green Space Group call to action!

The owners of the site, Dainton Group Services Ltd. submitted a  planning application on 8th January to erect metal storage containers over the whole of the site.

We’ve been in a ‘Pre Application’ process with them since September 2012 and our aim is to have a section of the site donated as a green space for wild life and for our community to enjoy. Dainton seem to have disengaged from that process.

As many of you have said you want to be involved, we are coordinating a response to their current Planning Application on the following issues:

§   Double stacked metal shipping containers (16 ft total height) will be erected on blocks over the whole site ruining the view down Warminster Rd.
§   Containers will be close to an adjoining property – very near a child’s bedroom.
§   Large access gates for vehicles on to Saxon Road for ‘emergency access’.
§   Traffic noise on site up to 9.00 pm in the evening

Time is short so if you want to object please do by using one of the options below before 29th January or sooner if you can!

Online it’s very straightforward, go to (case sensitive). You can see all the documents and an online form to comment, or object. 

Write to City Development, Brunel House, St Georges Road, Bristol BS1 5UY
Include your name, address, the date and the following reference.
13/05815/F Land Adjacent To Scrapyard Between Saxon Road & New Gatton Road Bristol


Check our community website for more information (coming soon)
Please email if you need help or have any questions.

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