Sunday, 29 November 2015


Come to a PUBLIC MEETING, Wednesday 2nd December 2015
St. Werburgh’s Community Centre Foyer, 6:30pm

The final decision on whether to give planning permission for the gas power station on Gatton Road is going to be made at a public meeting of the Council's Development Control Committee on Wednesday 9th December, 2pm at Colston Hall. We'll tell you what you can do next to object, including:

  • You can mail a written statement to with the title 'Statement for the Development Control Department meeting on 9th Dec regarding Gatton Road power station' DEADLINE to email your statement in is 12.00 Tuesday 8th Dec.
  • You can send in written questions to the DEADLINE is 5pm 3rd December.
  • You can also go to the meeting and tell them the main points in your statements
  • You can go to the meeting and just show your support or join the protest outside.
  • You can sign a petition that we will be sending round.

Come along to the community centre to find out more!

To contact us:, Tweet @BS2Greenspace, or follow our facebook page:

1 comment:

  1. Every bodies want how the home design or Auto cad services, space planing.Thanks!Look for added posts on this affair soon. Thanks for administration this planing
